Thursday, March 26, 2009

Bigmaps Part 3

Embellished Green View

This green view was done mainly as an excuse to feature some mangrove trees and birdlife in a golf setting. I think it would be a fun hole to play.

Moonlight Promenade

Here is a different version of my print "Moonlight Promenade". This version has a border accent and title. On its own I think it looks great, however I felt the white space distracted when combined with a matte. Hence the road not taken.

Golf Course Intro Screens

Each new course that purchased a GPS system received a customized intro screen. Here are a few that I have done over the years.

ToyFederation Freelance work Part 1

I have also done freelance work for Here are a couple of ads I did for them that appeared in  issues of the Master collector back in 2007.

Green Views

Here is a selection of green views done for various golf courses while working for ParView then ProLink. Some were embellished with more "stuff" to add visual interest for portfolio purposes.

High Resolution Hole View

This is a hole I did for practice early in 2008. All holes and greens done for GPS are low resolution 72 dpi. This particular hole was done at 300 dpi.


Golf Course Maps Part Deux

Here are a few more bigmaps.

Golf Course Maps aerial views

At the end of 2002, we learned that a rival company was producing large detailed maps for their clients' proshops. Up till that time the maps the proshops used to locate the positions of the golf carts on their course was some basic autocad rendering with no aesthetic quality whatsoever. So from 2003 till present each new course got a customized detailed map of their course. For lack of a better word they were called Bigmaps. I would say from 2003-2008, I produced around 300 of these things. Here are a few of my favorites.